Monday, September 28, 2015

Welcome Party 2015

Hello everyone! How is everything going? In MiraCosta College, the International Office and the Associated Student Government held the international welcome party on Friday, September 25. The welcome party is an event for new international students to meet people and make many friends. Although I said it was "for new international students," it doesn't mean anybody else cannot join the party. Of course, anybody can freely take part in it! I also went to the party to interview some students there.

Even though I was at the party only for about one hour, it was actually lasting for three or four hours. At the party, there were free delicious lunch, outdoor activity, indoor games, and a movie! A lot of fun stuff, right?! All students who participated seemed enjoy them pretty much. Since I could talk to some people during the lunch time, let me talk about that.

At the party, I could see people from various countries, but what I was surprised at the most was there were more native speakers there than I expected. They told me they joined it because they wanted to make international friends and come in contact with foreign cultures. As an international student, I was really glad to hear that. Of course, I talked to foreign students as well (I could find many Japanese students there!!). What all students I interviewed said in common was they all liked MiraCosta College!!  According to them,

  • campus atmosphere and people in the college are nice
  • MiraCosta has all learning facilities, so everything encourages students to study comfortably
  • Japanese students commented that U.S. students have a lot of motivation to study, different than university students in Japan

Check out more photos on the MiraCosta Peer Leader Facebook Page.  

Friday, September 18, 2015

My sweet host family

Hi there! How are you doing? I'm doing pretty good although the fall semester has already started and I'm pretty busy every day now. Even when I am busy, I can still be happy everyday.  One reason is my host family.

Now, I live with my host family in Vista, which takes 15 minutes from MiraCosta by car. My host family is Mexican American and they have three pretty little daughters. They are friendly, nice, and sweet! They always help me if I'm in trouble, and treat me as their family. I can feel I am really welcomed by them. Our house is always filled with laughter and warm atmosphere. Even if I am depressed or exhausted, I can feel better just by talking to them. Generally, when we talk the most is dinner time.


We have some brand-new comfortable sofas in front of  a big TV in our dining room, so we can sit back on them and chat. I also like to study there on the weekend.

Many international students often say they feel anxious during studying abroad. Host family or housing might be one of the key points to enjoy college life in America without homesick.

Well, thank you for reading my first post and have a wonderful weekend everyone!!


今、 私はオーシャンサイドキャンパスから車で15分程のビスタという所にホストファミリーと暮らしています。私のホストファミリーはメキシコ系アメリカ人で可 愛い子供達が3人います。みんな本当にフレンドリーで素敵で優しいです!私が困っている時にはいつも助けてくれて、私を家族のように扱ってくれています。 本当に歓迎してもらえているんだなと感じられます。家はいつも笑いと温かい空気に包まれていて、例え落ち込んだり疲れたりしていても彼女達と話すだけで元 気になれるのです。大体私達が一番話すのは夕飯の時です。ダイニングルームの大きいテレビの前に新しいふかふかのソファーがあるので、そこに座ってお話し ています。週末にはそこで勉強するのも私のお気に入りです。

